• Scolarship

    Revizor scholarship is awarded once a year for engagement and achieved results in science and arts, based on internal evaluation and nominations within the Board of Directors of Revizor Foundation and Center for Contemporary Culture KRAK’s team. The goal of this scholarship is to encourage research in the field of humanities and arts – projects that are in an advanced stage of implementation such as doctoral and postdoctoral research; other goals include publishing new scientific results, implementation of art projects but also merits for notable results in humanities and arts. The amount of the scholarship since the first appointment in 2018 is 3,000 BAM.



    The shortlist for the Revizor's Scholarship includes candidates whose project concerns the implementation of final activities in the scientific field of humanities and arts at any academic institution in the world. This includes finalizing research for the purpose of publishing scientific papers, financing their publication, financing publishing projects, artistic research, artistic work in the studio, planning of exhibitions, etc. During the pandemic, the difficult position of workers in culture and the impossibility of international exchange were added to this spectrum.



    The selection procedure is done by the members of the Board of Directors of the Revizor Foundation and is based on the qualifications of nominated candidates, project quality and its relevance for B&H academic and cultural life and beyond, or general significance and importance of nominees for B&H academic and artistic space. The selection is based on the necessity for interdisciplinary and thematically diverse positions, implying equal research opportunities for the widest range of candidates. From 2018 to 2020, the Revizor Scholarship was awarded through the official channels of the Revizor Foundation, and from 2021, it will be awarded through the Center for Contemporary Culture KRAK.

    In 2018, the Revizor Scholarship was awarded to artist Alisa Burzić; in 2019 to anthropologist Larisa Kurtović, anthropologist Andrew Gilbert and to graphic designer/illustrator Boris Stapić. In 2020, the scholarship was awarded to Jusuf Hadžifejzović; in 2021 to artist Adela Jušić; in 2022 to artist Bojan Stojčić; in 2023 to Manifesto Gallery; in 2024 to musician Nedim Zlatar.